Benchmark of mobilization and support practices for entrepreneurial diasporas - MEET Africa

Benchmarking practices for mobilizing and supporting entrepreneurial diasporas

Categories : Resources
Date: 29-05-2024

The MEET Africa 2 project is being carried out in partnership with 5 countries: Tunisia, Morocco, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal. Its primary objective is to strengthen local ecosystems supporting diaspora entrepreneurship. To this end, the project, through its country coordinators, has supported entrepreneurship support players in a retrospective and prospective analysis of the issues, approaches and support practices in place and to be developed.

As an extension of this approach, national stakeholders were keen to have an outside view and concrete examples of the best practices implemented by countries recognized as dynamic in terms of diaspora support.

The MEET Africa 2 program aimed to a comparative analysis of best practices best practices in mobilizing and supporting the entrepreneurial diaspora worldwide, in order to produce a benchmark of practices for mobilizing and supporting entrepreneurial diasporas outside the program's countries of intervention.

MEET Africa 2 entrusted the task of designing this document to Innogence Consulting, a firm specialized in economic intelligence and innovation, which carried out the studies and research as well as writing the report. This document was written by Anne BADJECK and Diana ABIASSI.

The ambition of this document is to be useful for the orientation and decisions of players in the ecosystems supporting diaspora entrepreneurship, whether private or public (public institutions working on diaspora issues, support structures, etc.) in African countries.

This document allows you to : 

  • Recall the potential for entrepreneurship of theAfrican diasporaworldwide, the preferred sectors of activity and the related challenges;
  • Draw up a panorama of the most dynamic countries in terms of mobilizing and supporting diaspora entrepreneurs (five countries in all, including African and European countries, as well as countries in other geographical zones such as Latin America, etc.);
  • Present best practices in mobilizing and supporting diaspora entrepreneurs, which have been identified as potentially transferable to the countries covered by the MEET Africa 2 program.

For the purposes of this study, the term "good practices" refers to :

  • Practices to facilitate the creation of businesses and activities by diaspora entrepreneurs in their countries of origin, as well as the mobilization of the entrepreneurial diaspora in the development dynamics of countries of origin (via mobilization campaigns, integration into national development policies, etc.);
  • Practices implemented in a specific business context to address the difficulties encountered by diaspora entrepreneurs;
  • Inspiring practices that countries (African or otherwise) can draw on to improve their policies for mobilizing and supporting entrepreneurs from their diaspora.
  • All forms of action, policies, mechanisms, systems and services put in place by central and decentralized institutions, entrepreneurial support services, banks and civil society itself, to structure, stimulate and support the diasporic entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Enjoy your reading!

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MEET Ecosystem Morocco

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