MEET Africa partners and prizewinners speak out on the "RDV de l'expertise" program - MEET Africa

MEET Africa partners and prizewinners speak out on the "RDV de l'expertise" program

Categories : Uncategorised
Date: 16-10-2024

Creation, innovation and entrepreneurship: how do diasporas contribute to development in the French-speaking world?

Entrepreneurship is, in essence, a transformative force that refers to the ability to innovate, create and shape economic, cultural and social realities, particularly in the French-speaking world.

An associative project, the launch of a craft or commercial activity or a franchise, the development of an innovative company requiring fund-raising... all these initiatives, whose primary consequence is the creation of wealth and employment, come under the heading of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is a key theme, as it is an essential pillar of economic development, particularly in Africa. In 2023, there were more than 250 million entrepreneurs on the continent, 58% of whom were women, contributing 60% of Africa's GDP (source: World Bank, 2023).
This entrepreneurial dynamic is a source of inclusive and sustainable growth, capable of meeting the major challenges facing Africa.

Among the driving forces behind entrepreneurial projects are those belonging to the African diaspora. These project leaders have the advantage of multiple assets, cultures and networks that they can mobilize if properly supported.

The MEET Africa 2 program has shown that mobilizing the talents and resources of the African diaspora, stimulating entrepreneurial ecosystems and providing tailor-made support for entrepreneurs have a direct impact on the socio-economic development of the African continent.

How does diaspora entrepreneurship constitute a lever for development and cooperation that needs to be strengthened? How is diaspora entrepreneurship a lever for development and international cooperation?

Among the speakers, our partners and project leaders talk about their experiences and the challenges of diaspora entrepreneurship:

▶ Round-table 1: How do diasporas contribute to development in the French-speaking world?
📍EricVincent Guichard, Founder and CEO of Homestrings
📍KaraDIABY, Founder of Repat Africa
📍AmineAloulou, President ofATUGE
📍ZeinebMessaoud, Director of The Dot

▶ Round-table 2: Diaspora entrepreneurs, diverse backgrounds serving sustainable development
📍TeddyKOSSOKO, founder of Game Hub Senegal
📍MarwaMOULA, founder of ILEYCOM
📍RayeneThouir, founder of BOSSY MATCH
📍Sofiane Boukhris, CPTO of OUIcoding

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