The Tour de France de l'entrepreneuriat supported by the CPA aims to accelerate the development of companies with high growth potential, having Africa as a priority in their development ambitions.
A Tour de France of Entrepreneurship
This series of events brings together the entrepreneurship ecosystem with the aim of raising awareness among the territory's economic players of the tools and projects put together by the CPA: Pass Africa, Meet Africa 2, the Entrepreneurship for All programme, in order to support entrepreneurs from the African diasporas in France and Europe.
Watch the video replay of the last event in Lille on 29 January with all the actors of entrepreneurship in the region:
PASS AFRICA: accelerating the development of companies with high growth potential
The PASS Africa, implemented by the BPI and the Presidential Council for Africa, aims to accelerate the development of companies with high growth potential, having Africa as a priority in their development ambitions, and which meet the following criteria: a minimum of two years of existence, a turnover of between €100k and €500k, at least one initial fundraising round, the existence of a head office in France and ambitions to expand in Africa.
It is a dedicated, simplified and accelerated pathway: the stakeholders involved in this process contribute to the census, identification and qualification of a cohort of entrepreneurs every year who obtain the PASS Africa Label.
The PASS Africa is :
- Single, priority and accelerated access: entrepreneurs provide a single package to all PASS Africa stakeholders in the areas of investment, coaching, financing, insurance, guarantee, and innovation support.
- A privileged and coordinatedfollow-up for the entrepreneur, who is regularly informed of support opportunities.
- A committed community: entrepreneurs benefit from strong recognition, the promotion of their company in communication actions, targeted networking opportunities and privileged access to major Franco-African meetings.
=> Call for applications PASS Africa
Applications are open until midnight on 26 February 2022 on the CPA website.